Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Blog Background

So tonight I spent the latter part of my night trying to find a background for my blog. It took forever but I finally decided on the current one: I like to dream.

At first, I was looking for a background that would reflect the style of my blog. Major fail. I couldn't find one for the life of me.

Then it dawned on me, my blog is a reflection of, period. So my blog background didn't necessarily have to reflect my blog, just me.

I decided to use the background "I Like to Dream" because I do. I actually love to dream.

Dreaming is one of the reasons that I have gotten where I am today, in the major that I'm in.

It is through dreaming (daydreaming mostly) that I realized my love for people and my boredom with science (I came to FAMU as Bio/Pre Med major).

My dreaming has allowed me to learn myself, to know my ins and outs, to find my voice (Why is it that we are more bold in our dreams?) LOL

This background sums me up because whatever I'm thinking, whatever I'm feeling, whatever is in my heart, I dream about it.

This is the perfect blog background for me (in this moment, I might end up changing it, LOL).

Kind of a random post, but hey, I'm random ;)